We Signed Away Our Lives by Kari Torjesen Malcolm is back in print after 20 years, enabling a new generation of readers to discover this remarkable story of three generations of Torjesens in China and the founding of Evergreen Family Friendship Service.
Click here for links to the book and other publications in Chinese and English, as well as a basic introduction to Evergreen’s history.
Evergreen Family Friendship Service seeks to be a part of China’s holistic development through
the locally appropriate use of professional skills. Our passion is to impact the lives of Chinese people and, through working together with them, to see China blessed.
We welcome you to explore our website and learn more about Evergreen and our work!
Our Work
Invited into Shanxi Province by the local government in 1990 to help with social and economic needs, Evergreen’s founders immediately began investigating what those needs were and the most locally appropriate ways to respond to each. What evolved were several areas of professional service in which Evergreen offered services based on the needs of actual communities in Shanxi.
As Shanxi developed, the services provided by Evergreen have shifted to better meet the evolving needs of the province and her people. Changing areas of service naturally required different sets of professional expertise, bringing a parade of over 40 professionals from around the globe to work in Shanxi through Evergreen. Since 1993, these skilled expatriates lived and worked in three locations in Shanxi Province. Most of their work has fallen in one of the following eight areas of service:
Medical Work and Rehabilitation
Projects address prevention, treatment, diagnostics, surgeries, etc.
Youth and Educational Programs
Programs include adventure camps as well as providing teachers from overseas
Economic Development Enterprises
Projects that assist locals to start, develop and run healthy businesses
Family Services
Current Need
Shanxi needs certified teachers at all different grade levels who are willing to stay for a year or longerEvergreen is registered in the US as a 501(c)(3) entity.